
Showing posts from January, 2018

This MAJOR Difference Between Trump and Obama’s SOTU Speech Speaks VOLUMES

Clearly, Trump is a much different president than Obama, but besides his stronger “America first” rhetoric, there’s one stark difference between their State of the Union speeches that shows who the true leader is. During Trump’s speech last night, he placed a huge emphasis on “we” versus “I,” a major contrast to narcissistic Obama who often did just the opposite during his SOTU speeches. President Trump talked long on Tuesday night, “the third-longest State of the Union in the past 50 years, according  to The New York Times.  But he rarely talked about himself — unlike his predecessor. President Obama’s first State of the Union speech in 2010 featured the president saying some version of “I” or “me” nearly 100 times. That was nearly four times more than Trump managed — 98 personal references to a mere 26. For all the media have attacked Trump about his ego, it was Obama who earned regular criticism for being self-referential in his speeches. His first 41 speeches showed th

Check Out CBC’s Pathetic Reaction to SOARING Black Employment Rates

If you’re looking for proof of Democrats insane bipartisanship, look no further than the Congressional Black Caucus, who refused to react to President Trump announcing black unemployment is at it’s lowest rate EVER. Why are Democrats so polarizing, that they can’t even cheer for American people FINALLY achieving success?

REPORT: Trey Gowdy Has Something BIG Planned After Retirement

In a surprise twist, Rep. Trey Gowdy announced he will NOT seek another term as a congressman. Gowdy’s announcement caught many off guard, but a new report may shed some light on why he’s not returning to Congress, and if true, it’s VERY GOOD news for President Trump and America! GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina was offered a federal judgeship in 2017, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The four-term Republican announced Wednesday that he will retire from Congress, just one day after Judge Dennis Shedd of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals assumed senior-status, a form of quasi-retirement under which judges leave active service while still participating in a handful of cases. The timing prompted speculation that Gowdy, a career prosecutor, would be tapped to succeed Shedd. “He is not planning on becoming a judge,” a source close to the congressman told TheDCNF. “He was approached months ago and turned it down.” The source added that he will return to priva

BREAKING: FBI is Still Trying to BLOCK Release of FISA Memo

The FBI is still in cover-up mode. They continue trying to block the super-secret FISA memo, claiming they have “grave concerns” about its release.Devin Nunes however, is fighting back and continues to PUSH HARD for the release of his 4-page memo, which many say will reveal crimes far worse than Watergate. The FBI expressed “grave concerns” on Wednesday over a controversial surveillance memo that could be released to the public this week. In a rare move, the FBI issued an on-the-record statement claiming that the memo, which was crafted by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, contains “material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.” The four-page memo reportedly alleges that the Justice Department and FBI failed to provide information regarding the infamous Steele dossier in an application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant taken out against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The warrant was granted in Sept. 2016, j

Look What These Disgraceful Dems Did While Trump Discussed Veterans

President Trump had an amazing State of the Union, but still, bitter Democrats chose to sit there and scowl during the entire speech. But what’s even worse is that while Trump was discussing our veterans, these two Democrats were checking their phones!

Trump fumed about Justice Department efforts to quash GOP memo release

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump emitted on board Air Force One a week ago when he learned of the Justice Department's endeavors to subdue the arrival of an arranged notice charging mishandle by FBI and Justice Department authorities, a source comfortable with the issue affirmed to CNN. As he advanced toward Davos, Switzerland, Trump raged to assistants about Associate Attorney General Stephen Boyd's notice that the arrival of the update - composed by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee - would be "remarkably foolhardy," the source said. Bloomberg was first to report the occurrence.

Dems' boycott of Trump's State of the Union address could be biggest known

Maybe not shocking for somebody who has carried on with his life in the spotlight and who manufactured an existence on picture and brand, the stagecraft of Trump's first State of the Union was remarkable. From the families who lost friends and family to the MS-13 group to Otto Warmbier's folks toward the North Korean deserter and his bolsters, the visuals - and the stories they told - were frequenting and memorabWashington (CNN)President Donald Trump will convey his first State of the Union address on Tuesday night from the US Capitol, however not all of Congress will be in participation. Trump's turbulent first year in office was set apart by contention, driving more than twelve Democratic administrators to report that they intend to blacklist the discourse through and through, in what could be the greatest known blacklist of a President's State of the Union. A huge alliance of House Democrats boycotted the President's first joint deliver to Congress a year
1. America First Trump ran - and won - on the possibility that he would dependably put our nation first. What's more, kid did he follow through on that guarantee in his State of the Union address. For the main hour of the discourse, Trump discussed only household arrangement. Tax reductions. The economy. Exchange. Administrative change. Migration. Nary a specify of America's place on the planet until after 10 pm on the east drift. The flag was clear: Trump isn't simply utilizing "America First" as a bit of talk; he's vigorously centered around making it a strategy reality too. 2. Bipartisanship just ain't happening In the early snapshots of Trump's discourse, he made a few requires the nation and the Congress to meet up. "This evening, I endless supply of us to set aside our disparities, to search out shared opinion, and to summon the solidarity we have to convey for the general population we were chosen to serve," Trump said at